Effective e-mail management is less about time and effort and more about strategy and consistency. So how do you do it? The first step in this process is to determine your organization styles. There are three main styles1:
1. Searchers: opt for minimal work up front on the grounds that they can use tools to find what they’re looking for later.
2. Filers: believe that everything has a place and that it should be in that place so they can find it instantly.
3. Taggers: are somewhere in between; they depend on search, but like to sprinkle hints around to make it easier for the search engine.
Once you know your style it becomes a lot easier to determine what will work for you and what won’t. For instance, searchers will never consistently utilize a rigid filing method. Use what works for you! The second step in effective e-mail management is learning the “4 D’s.” Before you ever consider how to file or where to move a mail item you need to consider the “4 D’s2:”
1. Delete it
a. Does the message relate to a meaningful objective you're currently working on? If not, you can probably delete it. Why hang on to information that doesn't relate to your main focus?
b. Does the message contain information you can find elsewhere? If so, delete it.
c. Does the message contain information that you will refer to within the next six months? If not, delete it.
d. Does the message contain information that you're required to keep? If not, delete it.
2. Do it
a. If you can't DELETE IT, then decide, "What specific action do I need to take?" and "Can I DO IT in less than two minutes?" If you can, just DO IT.
3. Delegate it
a. If you can't DELETE IT or DO IT in two minutes or less, can you DELEGATE IT?
b. If you can delegate it, do it right away. You should be able to compose and send the delegating message in about two minutes
4. Defer it
a. If you cannot DELETE IT, DO IT in less than two minutes, or DELEGATE IT you will need to defer it. Only defer it if the action required is something that only you can accomplish and it will take more than two minutes.
i. Also think about flagging these items for follow up.
So how big of a difference do the “4 D’s” make? Statistics show that if you use this method you will find that2:
· 50 percent can be deleted or filed
· 30 percent can be delegated or completed in less than 2 minutes
· 20 percent can be deferred to your Task List or Calendar to complete later
If you have to defer the e-mail and you are a filer consider one of these primary filing methods:
· File by sender
o Many people find that name associations are easier to remember than subjects.
o You can file mail items by sender (i.e. Jay Meyer, Charlie Hamilton etc.)
· File by subject
o This can be a certain training course we offer
o A market in your region
o etc.
· File by importance or length or response
o Is this low, medium or high priority?
o Is this a quick response or a lengthy response
By implementing these steps alone you will see a drastic increase in your e-mail productivity. If you combine them with the tips listed below you will be an e-mail super star!
· Group similar messages together
· Search folders instead of “All mail.”
· Flag items for follow up
· Schedule uninterrupted time everyday to process e-mail
· File your sent items too!
· Use rules when you can
· Archive old items to make space
1) http://webworkerdaily.com/2007/02/15/10-tips-for-organizing-your-e-mail/
2) http://www.microsoft.com/atwork/productivity/email.aspx
3) http://zenhabits.net/2007/11/obsessive-compulsives-guide-top-12-organizing-tips-plus-resources/
4) http://www.theistudio.com/muse/10-e-mail-organization-tips/
5) http://www.netmanners.com/email-etiquette/10-email-organization-tips/