Friday, September 19, 2008

Investor/Investee Mixer

Hello friends and visitors,
I would like to let everyone know about the upcoming Wealth Investments Network (WIN) Investor/Investee mixer that I will be co-hosting with business partner. This is a FREE event and open to anyone. The goal of this event is to bring investor's and business owners together, for the purpose of creating new investments and business growth opportunities. If this is something you would like to check out please RSVP by emailing me at The first 25 people to RSVP are eligible to receive drink vouchers for the event! Preliminary information is listed below:

October 2nd, 2008
The Airport Sheraton in Tempe, AZ (Map)
4pm- 6pm

Free seminar to follow the mixer! I'll see you there!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Blogging for Better Living

Hey all!

As my first post on this blog I want to tell you guys about my passion for helping people and keep you updated on what new things I'm working on to help people live fuller lives. Keep checking in from time to time to see what's new. Or, check out my website:

Thanks for reading!

David Macon